Sunday, December 27, 2015

A 40-Day Home Remedy to Clear Out Your Bad Cholesterol

But in less than two days, you can have cleaner, healthier blood vessels with this all natural garlic remedy that was used in Tibetan and Russian folk medicine centuries ago. This recipe improves blood flow, helps to normalize blood pressure, increases blood circulation, and can even help you shed those stubborn pounds.

Reasons Why Garlic May Be The Savior of Clogged Arteries

First, garlic is a natural remedy, so the risks of this treatment are much lower than with the use of prescription drugs like cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood pressure-lowering drugs and blood-thinning drugs like aspirin.

Surgeries like stent placement, (a metal tube placed in your artery to maintain proper blood flow, bypass surgery, or balloon angioplasty, the opening of clogged arteries,) are more dangerous. Try and use these treatments as a last resort.

Second, garlic contains large amounts of antioxidants, which help with the regeneration and rejuvenation of cells. Combined with lemon, garlic is an excellent blood vessel cleaner, and aids in reducing bad cholesterol levels, strengthening blood vessel walls, and reducing the risk of dangerous diseases such as atherosclerosis, (hardening of the arteries.)

Third, the consumption of garlic can help reduce the risk of stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, breast cancer, colorectal, and intestinal cancer. This has been proven by science in researches as well so I call that a win win.

Time to Clean Your Blocked Arteries

(And I stress organic ingredients)

4 cloves of garlic
4 washed medium lemons
34 ounces of boiled water
Add a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar.

You will also need:

A bowl to grind your garlic and lemon in
A grinder of some sort
Three glass jars


Slice the garlic and lemons
Clean the garlic and put it in a bowl with your sliced lemon
Pour some of the boiling water over them
Grind the lemon and garlic
Divide the mixture into three jars, fill the jars evenly with the rest of the hot water
Cover the jars and leave them in the refrigerator for three days
Strain the mixtures and store them in the fridge

How To Use:

Start with smaller doses. Take one to two tablespoons of the mixture three times a day before meals. If you don’t experience any negative symptoms, increase your dosage until you can drink 50 ml of this medicine three times a day before meals. Do this for 40 days.

Take this mixture only once a year.

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