Saturday, May 28, 2016

Fake Honey Is Everywhere, Learn How To Know The Difference

I want you to know that this information on honey is kind of long. I shortened it the best I could but it's very important that you know this. Share this blog with people that use or are considering trying honey on a regular bases. I got into the business of Beneficial Health Living for the people. Everybody deserves to be healthy.

Honey is a valuable and irreplaceable ingredient throughout the entire human history. Its health benefits have been used for centuries, and its delicious taste has been appreciated until today. Honey is great for skin care too so Anissa Pennyman you might want to, if you haven't already, add it to your skin  treatments. By the way, check out Mrs Pennyman's web page when you get a chance. Click her name above. However, due to the process of preparation, honey usually is sold a bit expensively.

Therefore, numerous people (Especially my people is the south who make less money) often purchase the cheapest they can find in the supermarket, or the ones with the best misleading advertisement, or even the one in the best-looking container. But that this does not mean that you are buying the best product and that the honey is pure.

In order to lower the price, honey is often subjected to numerous alterations. Hence, do not let to be misled by the price and always aim for the best quality
A public research conducted by the Food Safety News provided some crazy information concerning honey. Namely, they have discovered that even 76% of all types of honey available in supermarkets has been subjected to ultra filtration.
This filtration process removes impurities like wax traces, but the pollen as well.

According to manufacturers, this process is needed in order to prolong the shelf life of the product and prevent “crystallizing”. Yet, those who consume honey regularly know that pollen is extremely important and beneficial.
The major reason to avoid this process is in order to be able to determine the geographical origin of the honey, as in cases of pollen contamination, the origin needs to be analyzed and traced.

Here's a few brands and places where you can purchase honey which lacks pollen:

Chinese honey is an example of this, as it is often contaminated with illegal antibiotics and metals, since producers process honey in this way  in order to import it, and its origin is unknown.

- Honey types sold at Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy do not contain pollen.

- Certain packages of KFC and McDonald honey do not contain pollen.

- Honey Winnie the Pooh which can be bought at Walmart does not have pollen.

- 77% of the honey sold at Costco, Target and Sam’s Club do not have pollen.

Moreover, there are also honey types which have been combined with glucose, as well as others which are high in poor-quality mead. Adulterated honey is the one that is not in its purest form.

Apparently, adulterated honey is often sold in the supermarkets, so you should learn how to recognize it:

If the honey you have bought does not “crystallize” over time, it may be adulterated, since the pure one will crystallize over time or when kept in the fridge.
Read labels: Always read the label on the honey, and if it contains commercial glucose or high fructose corn syrup, avoid it.
Add some iodine drops in a glass of water and add some honey afterward. Your honey has been adulterated with flour or starch in case it turns blue.

Add a couple drops of vinegar in a glass of water with honey. If this creates foam, your honey has been adulterated with plaster.

Burn the honey with phosphorus or a match, and if it ignites, it is pure honey.

Put a spoon of honey in a glass of water. In case the honey does not dissolve, it is pure. Fake honey or poor-quality honey dissolves in water.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

These 4 Natural Remedies Will Repair Receding Gums

If you have ever experienced issues with receding gums, then you know that it can be quite a serious problem which causes not only pain, but also the incidence of gaps, or pockets, between the gum line and teeth, which are a perfect place for the accumulation of dangerous bacteria.

Receding gums can further on cause severe damage to the supporting tissue and bone structure of the teeth, and eventually, a tooth loss.

One of the reason for the gums to begin receding is being a little too zealous with the routine of cleaning the teeth.

Smoking is another cause of receding gums. Simple Steps Dental claims that this habit is one of the strongest influences in the development of various gum issues, such as receding gums.

Fortunately, there are some natural ways to struggle with this problem. However, note that they will be effective as long as you start using them in the initial stages of the disease, not too late when the only solution is surgery. Then, you will need to cure the issue with gum tissue grafts and other expensive methods.

If you notice some symptoms of receding gum line, such as bad breath, swollen gums, pain at the gum line, or bleeding while flossing or brushing the teeth, you can benefit a lot from the treatment with these natural remedies, and prevent further complications:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been used in numerous natural treatments of bleeding gums, swelling or recession for centuries. One study which has lasted for 14 weeks, conducted at the University of California San Francisco, discovered that the increased dosages of vitamin C led to the reduction of the symptoms of bleeding gums, and vice versa.

Green Tea

A Japanese study which discovered that the regular consumption of green tea has beneficial effects on the health of the gums and teeth.

Namely, participants drank green tea on a regular basis, and researchers found that it reduced three indicators of periodontal disease, bleeding, periodontal pocket depth, and attachment loss of gum tissue.


Eucalyptus is a substance with potent anti-inflammatory properties which effectively cure the gum disease. Eucalyptus also has high germ-fighting abilities and destroys bacteria in the oral cavity in the case of gum recession.

Therefore, if you suffer from gum recession, you should prepare a natural homemade mouthwash with the following ingredients:

Two teaspoons of eucalyptus oil
1 cup of warm water

You should also do some measures to enhance your overall oral health.

Monday, May 23, 2016

60 Percent of Our Diet?! Ultra-Processed Foods (+ Better Alternatives)

Processed foods are a tricky subject. Bread, for example, is a processed food, even if it’s homemade; you don’t just nibble on grains, you process them into a loaf. Nut butters are processed, too, when they’re churned into a creamy spread. In fact, any food that hasn’t been directly pulled out of the ground and eaten is technically processed, like frozen fruits or canned veggies.

And then there are the foods you think about when you hear “processed,” things like soda, cereal, cookies and frozen dinners. According to a recent studies these are considered “ultra-processed foods,” or “formulations of several ingredients which, besides salt, sugar, oils and fats, include food substances not used in culinary preparations."

What Are Ultra-Processed Foods? And We Don’t Eat Them Very Much, Right!?

And while it might not come as a huge shock that Americans eat a lot of these foods, what might surprise you is the extent that we’re eating on them. A study published found that 58 percent of the average American’s daily energy intake comes from ultra-processed foods like cakes, white breads and diet sodas. That is a scary number.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, the study also found that 90 percent of Americans’ “added sugar intake” comes from ultra-processed foods. In fact, sugar makes up about 21 percent of the calories in ultra-processed foods.

The added sugar found in these foods, often disguised as different types of artificial sweeteners, are responsible for a variety of health conditions, from obesity to type 2 diabetes to migraines. Studies have shown that people who consumed more than 21 percent of their daily calories from added sugar double their risk of death from heart disease as those who consumed less than 10 percent of their calories from added sugars. So basically added sugars are killing us.

It’s clear that ultra-processed foods need to be taken out of our kitchens. And I know you're asking, "Woody,  how do you go about replacing the foods your family knows and loves with better-for-you alternatives?" Here's some possibilities:

The Processed Foods Spectrum
Not all processed foods are created equally – chowing down on Twinkies is certainly not the same as adding frozen spinach to your smoothies, even though they’re technically both processed. Check out the spectrum below to learn what ones you should start kicking to the curb.

Avoid: Ultra-processed foods
Frozen dinners (yes, that includes pizza), all sodas (even diet!), store-bought cakes and cookies (goodbye, Little Debbie), boxed cake mixes – if your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize it as a food, it probably isn’t.

Not Often: Processed foods
Things like jarred pasta sauce, sausage, store-bought salad dressings and whole-grain bread aren’t terrible in moderation or when you’re short on time but, when possible, it’s best to make your own.

Better: Minimally processed foods
This includes things like extra virgin olive oil, meats (naturally raised), plain yogurt, nut butters (where the only ingredients are the nut and salt), frozen vegetables and fruit that have been processed at their peak to lock in freshness and nutrition.

Best: Unprocessed foods
Fresh fruit, wild-caught fish and veggies fall into this category. They’re delicious just as nature made ‘em.

How to Swear Off Ultra-Processed Foods

1. Make gradual changes

While it’s tempting to make drastic changes, you and your family will have a better chance at sticking to healthy habits if you decide on one change at a time and see it through.

For example, if you usually serve soda or juice with meals, try replacing one glass with water instead. After a few days, replace another glass. Not only will this help ease you into changes mentally, but it’ll also help reduce any physical symptoms you might experience.

2. Shop with a grocery list

It’s a lot easier to make healthy choices and avoid ultra-processed foods when you have a list of the items you’re looking for. Make a list of the meals you’re preparing for the week and all the ingredients required. And if you’re thinking of heading to the store without eating, forget about it. Shopping on a full stomach will make it harder to resist those foods you should avoid.

3. Shop the perimeter

You’ve probably heard it before, but there’s a reason it’s advised that you shop the edge of the store and skip most of the middle aisles. Fresh produce, meats and dairy are nearly always around the store perimeter, while ultra-processed foods get stacked on the shelves in the middle of the store. By limiting the aisles you shop, you’ll resist temptation to purchase bad-for-you foods.

Similarly, hit the healthier part of the grocery store first. One of the things I love about certain Whole Foods is that you enter the store in the vegetable and fruit area, so you start loading up on the best foods in the store well before  you may start getting tempted by the naughty processed or ultra-processed foods.

4. Read the ingredients list.

If there’s something on the ingredients list of a packaged food that you couldn’t buy to use in your own kitchen – or whose name you can’t even pronounce – it’s probably highly processed.

Don’t forget that ingredients are listed in the order of how prevalent in a food they are. Beware of what’s listed as one of the first five ingredients. Or, better yet, avoid foods that have more than five ingredients in them.

5. Look out for added sugars.

Food manufacturers have gotten cleverer about how sugars are listed by using different terms for the substance in the ingredients list. One rule of thumb is that ingredients ending with “ose” are sugars: think sucrose, fructose and dextrose. Another is to use fancy or “natural” sounding sugars – cane sugar, beet sugar, cane juice, fruit juice and maple syrup are all still sugars.

What Ultra-Processed Foods You Should Stop Eating Today – and Healthier Alternatives

Ready to cut out ultra-processed foods but aren’t sure how to replace them in foods but aren’t sure what to eat instead? Try my favorite healthy alternatives.


Say no to those artificially colored, deep-fried potato chips with zero nutritional value. Instead, make your own chips. You don’t have to stick to potatoes either. I’m a huge fan of spicy kale chips, zucchini chips and even sweet baked apple chips. Keep these on hand when you need a TV time snack or to nibble on while getting dinner ready.

Frozen Pizza:

For a food that requires so little to make, frozen pizzas are loaded with preservatives, additives and unrecognizable ingredients. Instead of keeping a stash in the freezer, try loading up one of these easy doughs, like my coconut crust pizza or cauliflower pizza crust with your favorite toppings. These are super tasty, come together quickly and you can customize them to your family’s tastes.

Sodas and juices:

Replace sugary sodas and store-bought juices with homemade drinks that taste great and are good for you, too. This anti-inflammatory green juice will boost your body’s natural defenses, while my orange carrot ginger juice is a crowd-pleaser amongst kids – the only difference they’ll notice is how much better this juice tastes.

Cakes and frosting:

Sweet treats don’t need to be eliminated entirely, but when there are alternatives that taste this good, there’s no need for ultra-processed versions. This chocolate frosting is fantastic atop homemade baked goods – maybe even on this gluten-free chocolate cake!

Ultra-processed foods’ ubiquity can be difficult to escape, but it can be done. Eliminating those foods and replacing them with healthier alternatives is one of the best things you can do for your family’s health.

Focus on the right diet. Not the medicine

Wednesday, May 18, 2016



You won't believe how something this simple can change your life!!! Once again Beneficial Health Living is about to shock the nation again! Check this out.
Put an end to all those sleepless nights of tossing and turning, and not being able to fall asleep, with this amazing recipe that can actually improve your cycle significantly.

The way this remedy works is, it provides relaxation and has no side effects such as certain medications can have.

The most high-risk medications that can contribute to sleep loss are pain medications, antihistamines, and heart and blood pressure medicines.

All you have to do is to boil bananas before bed, drink the liquid and you will not believe what happens to your sleep .


Bananas, especially the peels, are rich in potassium and magnesium, the essential mineral for relaxation and for preventing sleep disturbances. Both magnesium and potassium help in relaxing the muscles.

When choosing bananas, especially for this recipe, always choose 100% organic bananas. Bananas that are not organic are packed with harmful pesticides.

It only takes 10 minutes to prepare this delicious tea and you can enjoy it every night before bed.


1 organic banana
1 small pot of water
Dash of cinnamon (optional)

Cut off the ends of the bananas, peel, and place it into the boiling water
Boil it for 10 minutes.
Transfer the  water into a mug with a colander. Sprinkle the cinnamon into the tea. Drink it one hour before bedtime.
Once the banana is boiled, sprinkle some cinnamon over it.
If you are wondering what happens to the banana, just add a dash of cinnamon to the fruit and you will see that nothing goes waste.
This warm, gooey fruit and its peel together with the tea provide soothing effects. Enjoy it in this delicious banana tea!

Almost half of the American population uses sleeping pills and therefore experience insomnia or poor sleep. Sleeping pills offer only a temporary solution.


Burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs
Changes in appetite
Difficulty keeping balance, focusing and remembering
Dry mouth or throat
Mental slowing or problems with attention or memory
Stomach pain
Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
Unusual dreams

Note: if you suffer from lung disease like COPD or asthma, then you need to know that sleeping pills slow down your breathing rhythm, which can be dangerous for your health and even fatal.