Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Your Garlic is Being Imported From China, Filled With Bleach And Chemicals! Here’s How To Spot It!!

Although you are probably not aware of the fact, there is a great chance that the garlic you purchase at your grocers or receive in your meal in a restaurant actually originated from China. What’s the deal, you wonder, everything is made in China nowadays. Well, the horrible thing is that some of the garlic produced in China is toxic.

In China, numerous farmers use pesticides that are forbidden by law in order to boost their production!Among other EXTREMELY TOXIC elements, they use phorate and parathion, which can seriously harm your health.

In order to avoid buying or consuming the toxic garlic that originates from China, you should pay attention to the following:
Chinese farmers often remove roots and stem to reduce weight and save on shipping; if these are not removed, the garlic should be safe.
Chinese garlic is lighter and less bulbous than the regular one
Home-grown garlic is richer in taste than the one produced in China

With all of this in mind, the safest thing to do is to get your garlic from trusted local farmers or to start growing your own.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A 40-Day Home Remedy to Clear Out Your Bad Cholesterol

But in less than two days, you can have cleaner, healthier blood vessels with this all natural garlic remedy that was used in Tibetan and Russian folk medicine centuries ago. This recipe improves blood flow, helps to normalize blood pressure, increases blood circulation, and can even help you shed those stubborn pounds.

Reasons Why Garlic May Be The Savior of Clogged Arteries

First, garlic is a natural remedy, so the risks of this treatment are much lower than with the use of prescription drugs like cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood pressure-lowering drugs and blood-thinning drugs like aspirin.

Surgeries like stent placement, (a metal tube placed in your artery to maintain proper blood flow, bypass surgery, or balloon angioplasty, the opening of clogged arteries,) are more dangerous. Try and use these treatments as a last resort.

Second, garlic contains large amounts of antioxidants, which help with the regeneration and rejuvenation of cells. Combined with lemon, garlic is an excellent blood vessel cleaner, and aids in reducing bad cholesterol levels, strengthening blood vessel walls, and reducing the risk of dangerous diseases such as atherosclerosis, (hardening of the arteries.)

Third, the consumption of garlic can help reduce the risk of stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, breast cancer, colorectal, and intestinal cancer. This has been proven by science in researches as well so I call that a win win.

Time to Clean Your Blocked Arteries

(And I stress organic ingredients)

4 cloves of garlic
4 washed medium lemons
34 ounces of boiled water
Add a teaspoon of raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar.

You will also need:

A bowl to grind your garlic and lemon in
A grinder of some sort
Three glass jars


Slice the garlic and lemons
Clean the garlic and put it in a bowl with your sliced lemon
Pour some of the boiling water over them
Grind the lemon and garlic
Divide the mixture into three jars, fill the jars evenly with the rest of the hot water
Cover the jars and leave them in the refrigerator for three days
Strain the mixtures and store them in the fridge

How To Use:

Start with smaller doses. Take one to two tablespoons of the mixture three times a day before meals. If you don’t experience any negative symptoms, increase your dosage until you can drink 50 ml of this medicine three times a day before meals. Do this for 40 days.

Take this mixture only once a year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Herbs & Diet to Kill Candida and Other Fungal, Yeast Infections

These foods contain potent anti-fungal properties, so they do a remarkable job of killing Candida. They should make up a substantial portion of any Candida detox diet, which should also include other low-sugar, high fiber vegetables. High fiber raw produce creates the right environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive.

Green Apples
Olive Oil
Lemons & Limes
Pumpkin Seeds
Brussels sprouts

These spices also have potent anti-fungal properties. Try to work them into your meals every chance you get.

Cayenne Pepper

These probiotic foods are very beneficial if you can get them with live cultures. Consuming these foods will help increase the numbers and effectiveness of your beneficial bacteria. Take care to check the labels in order to avoid MSG, artificial flavors, and other questionable ingredients that are sometimes found in these foods.

Raw apple cider vinegar
Yogurt (like Bio-K and other powerful probiotics in the supplement section, not cheap yogurt in the dairy section)
Kefir (unsweetened)
Other fermented vegetables
The problem with many of the aforementioned foods is that the stomach acid typically kills most or all of the beneficial bacteria. Some yogurts are designed with bacteria strong enough to survive stomach acid, and high quality probiotic capsules are typically designed get through acid and release in the gut.

If you want to heal from Candida faster, these herbal supplements can help to speed up the process.

Olive leaf extract
Neem oil
Grapefruit seed extract
Oil of Oregano
Black walnut
Pau d’arco
Castor bean oil extract (undecenoic acid)
Tea tree oil

Candida overgrowth is incredibly common. A diet high in starches, sugars, preservatives, and processed foods feeds Candida while a diet high in raw produce feeds Candida’s competition. Once you kill off the Candida, you’ll be amazed by the clarity you gain and the difference in how you feel. In addition, the dietary changes you make will provide the foundation for a vital, healthy life. If you’re dealing with a body full of Candida, be sure to check into undecenoic acid supplementation. It’s an incredibly efficient and powerful fungal killer that does not let Candida adapt like it does with other protocols. For more information on Candida, and balancing natural flora, check out the first two sources and see Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases and Kill Candida and Balance The Gut Quickly.

Monday, December 21, 2015

What happens to your body when it gets Raw Hemp everyday

Hemp is one of the earliest known domesticated plants that has been cultivated for over 12,000 years.
Hemp is a close relative of the Cannabis herb (often called marijuana), but is not to be confused with Cannabis and its psychoactive and medicinal properties.

This tall and coarse plant is a source of valuable fiber, can be refined into hemp oil, wax, resin, made into paper, fuel and the seeds themselves are a super nutritional source.
According to “Hemp Facts”, the world-leading producer of hemp is France, which produces more than 70% of the world output. China ranks second with approximately a quarter of the world production. There is smaller production in Europe, Chile and North Korea.

Eat Raw Hemp Seeds Every Day (And These Things Can Happen)
Hemp seeds are a complete protein, containing vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

Nutritional Information (And I'm copying this off a container of Hemp that I have

4 heaping tablespoons of Shelled Hemp Seed contains 240 caloric energy from:
Protein: 15g
Polyunsaturated fats: 15g
-Omega 6: 11.4g, Omega 3: 3.6g
Mono-unsaturated fats: 2.7g
Saturated fats: 2.1g
Fiber: 2.5g
Carbohydrates: 4.5g
Iron: 2mg
Calcium: 31mg
Sodium: 3.8mg
Vitamin E: 3.8mg
Vitamin D: 956 IU
Vitamin C: .42mg
Vitamin B6: .05mg
Vitamin B2: .14mg
Vitamin B1: .58mg
Vitamin A: 1.68 IU

The high content of vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and trace minerals support the brain, the cells within our body and prevents mitochondria (Definition: A spherical or elongated organelle in the cytoplasm of nearly all cells, containing genetic material and many enzymes important for cell metabolism, including those responsible for the conversion of food to usable energy.) and cell damage from free radicals.

Vitamin A: supports good vision, healthy immune system, supports cell growth, helps with dry eyes, used for specific types of leukemia, maintains healthy bones and teeth, prevents urinary stones, great for healthy skin, essential for the reproductive process in males and females.

Vitamin C: An antioxidant that also lowers blood pressure and lowers blood lead levels, promotes healthy eye function, boost our immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine.

Vitamin E: Also an antioxidant that protects cell damage and is key for healthy skin, eyes and a strong immune system.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): helps the body make healthy new cells. It also protect the immune system. Studies say this vitamin is necessary to help break down simple carbohydrates.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): is an antioxidant to help fight free radicals that damage cells and may prevent early aging and heart disease. Riboflavin is important for producing red blood cells that are necessary for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Several studies suggest B2 can prevent migraines.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): helps regulate levels of the amino acid homocysteine (associated with heart disease). Mood and sleep patterns can be affected by B6 because it helps body produce serotonin, melatonin and norepinephrine, a stress hormone. Some studies suggest vitamin B6 can reduce inflammation for people with conditions like rheumatioid arthritis.

Vitamin D: maintains normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. It may also protect against osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cancer, and other diseases.

Our bodies need polyunsaturated (“good”) fat such as omega 6 and omega 3, which helps seeds have the “perfect balance” of.

Omega 6: Regulates blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammation, immunity and brain function.

Omega 3: Reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, arthritis, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.

Fiber: controls blood sugar, promotes heart health, decreases risk of stroke, enhances weight loss and management, helps remove yeast and fungus from the body, reduces the risk of diverticulitis (An inflammation or infection in one or more small pouches in the digestive tract.) lowers the risk of hemorrhoids, provides some relief from IBS, and reduces the risk of gallbladder and kidney stones.

Iron: helps carry oxygen through our body and help keep our blood cells healthy.

Calcium: helps maintain heart rhythm, muscle function, and more. There’s good evidence that calcium can help prevent or control high blood pressure. It also may reduce PMS symptoms as well as preventing certain cancers. Calcium with Vitamin D may help protect against breast cancer in premenopausal women.

Phosphorus: is required by the body for bone and teeth formation and allows for proper digestion of riboflavin and niacin. It aids in transmission of nerve impulses, helps your kidneys excret wastes, gives you energy, forms the proteins that aid in reproduction, and may help block cancer.

More than half of all bone is made from phosphate, and is also utilized to maintain tissues and fluids.

Ways to add hemp seeds to your daily diet:
•Hemp seeds can be a great dairy alternative. Hemp milk and and hemp ice cream are loaded with all the nutritional benefits of the hemp seeds without the irritating “protein” of cows milk.

•Breakfast foods and baked goods are another fun way to add hemp seeds. Add a handful of hemp seeds to the batter of muffins, cookies and breads. With a naturally nutty flavor, hemp seeds can also be used as a substitute in recipes that call for other types of nuts.

Salads can get a nutritional boost by sprinkling a few tablespoons of hemp seeds on to it.
Superfood vegan pesto can be made with hemp seeds! I use this pesto over my gluten free pasta. It also is very tasty as a pizza base alternative to tomato sauce.

Smoothies blending a tablespoon of hemp seed can make your smoothie extra nutritious without affecting the flavor.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The number 1 cause of liver damage

I'm going to cut right to it. Anybody who knows me knows that I can give it to you straight up with no chaser. The number one cause of liver damage is the ingredient "acetaminophen". 

Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals drugs like Tylenol, Excedrin, NyQuil, Theraflu, and prescription painkillers Vicoden and Percocet all contain acetaminophen. This ingredient has forced almost 80,000 ER (emergency room) visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and around 500 deaths annually. In alot of cases you could be damaging your liver without even knowing it and by the time you find out major damage may havr already been done.

Acetaminophen Poisoning Antidotes
Hospital emergency rooms are equipped with injectable or IV high potency NAC (N -acetylcysteine) to protect the liver from acetaminophen poisoning by stimulating master antioxidant glutathione production in the liver. Acetaminophen depletes glutathione. If depleted too rapidly, the liver is over-stressed to the point of acute liver failure. NAC supplements can be taken orally to increase or maintain your liver’s glutathione production.

If caught early enough, food grade activated charcoal powder administered orally can remove acetaminophen toxins effectively. Some ER vehicles are equipped with food grade activated charcoal powder for a variety of poison calls. Food grade activated charcoal powder is an excellent first aid item to have on hand.

It’s inexpensive and can be used as a chelator for detoxing now and then for a couple of weeks at a time by mixing the powder in water and drinking it, which is more effective than using capsules.

Friday, December 11, 2015

20 Ingredients To Memorize and Avoid In Any Food You Consume

1. Artificial Flavors
Artificial flavorings are derived from chemicals made in a laboratory and offer absolutely no nutritional value and are a magnet for processed foods. They show up in almost everything today, including bread, cereals, flavored yogurt, soups mixes, and cocktail mixers, so they can be hard to avoid. Every single artificial flavor in the food industry has some kind of detrimental health effect. These include neurotoxicity, organ, developmental, reproductive toxicity and cancer.

4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
The food additive “MSG” is a slow poison which hides behind dozens of names, such as natural flavoring, yeast extract, autolyzed yeast extract, disodium guanylate, disodium inosinate, caseinate, textured protein, hydrolyzed pea protein and many others. Currently, labeling standards do not require MSG to be listed in the ingredient list of thousands of foods.

MSG is not a nutrient, vitamin, or mineral and has no health benefits. The part of MSG that negatively affects the human body is the “glutamate”, not the sodium. The bound glutamic acid in certain foods (corn, molasses, wheat) is broken down or made “free” by various processes (hydrolyzed, autolyzed, modified or fermented with strong chemicals, bacteria, or enzymes) and refined to a white crystal that resembles sugar.

There are a growing number of Clinicians and Scientists who are convinced that excitotoxins play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, including migraines, seizures, infections, abnormal neural development, certain endocrine disorders, specific types of obesity, and especially the neurodegenerative diseases; a group of diseases which includes: ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and olivopontocerebellar degeneration.

5. Sugar
The single largest source of calories for Americans comes from sugar. Sugar is loaded into your soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, and hidden in almost all processed foods–from bologna to pretzels to Worcestershire sauce to cheese spread. And now most infant formula has the sugar equivalent of one can of Coca-Cola, so babies are being metabolically poisoned from day one if taking formula. Sugar changes metabolism, raises blood pressure, critically alters the signaling of hormones and causes significant damage to the liver — the least understood of sugar’s damages. These health hazards largely mirror the effects of drinking too much alcohol, which they point out in their commentary is the distillation of sugar. If it’s not a natural sugar, it doesn’t belong in your food.

6. High Fructose Corn Syrup
A few years ago, the Corn Refiners Association petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the term ‘corn sugar’ as an alternative label declaration for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The reason? Too many people were finding out how lethal HFCS was for the human body.

HFCS causes insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertension, increased weight gain, and not to mention manufactured from genetically modified corn.

7. Potassium Benzoate and Sodium Benzoate
Sodium Benzoate can convert into lethal carcinogenic poison when combined with absorbic acid. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the “power station” of cells known as the mitochondria. “These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether.” he stated.

Potassium benzoate often shows up in seemingly innocuous foods such as apple cider, low-fat salad dressings, syrups, jams, olives, and pickles. It is just as hazardous as Sodium Benzoate so read your labels.


8. Artificial Coloring
Food colorings still on the market are linked with cancer. Blue 1 and 2, found in beverages, candy, baked goods and pet food, have been linked to cancer in mice. Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, candy, and baked goods, has been shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats. Green 3, added to candy and beverages, has been linked to bladder cancer. The widely used yellow 6, added to beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods, and candy, has been linked to tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney.


9. Acesulfame-K
Acesulfame-K, also known as acesulfame potassium, represents one of the food additives used for sweetening aliments and drinks. It is approved by the FDA, but there are several potential problems correlated with consumption of this food additive. Even though there are many studies that attest its safety, acesulfame potassium is still suspected of causing benign thyroid tumors. In rats, the development of such tumors took only 3 months, a period in which the concentration of this additive in the consumed food was between 1 and 5 percent. This is a very short period of time, so the substance is believed to have significant carcinogenic properties. Methylene chloride, a solvent used in the manufacture of acesulfame potassium, is the substance that may give the food additive its potential carcinogenic characteristics.

10. Sucralose
Splenda/sucralose is simply chlorinated sugar; a chlorocarbon. Common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethelene and methylene chloride, all deadly. Chlorine is nature’s Doberman attack dog, a highly excitable, ferocious atomic element employed as a biocide in bleach, disinfectants, insecticide, WWI poison gas and hydrochloric acid. Chlorocarbons are never nutritionally compatible with our metabolic processes and are wholly incompatible with normal human metabolic functioning. Sucralose is a very common additive in protein mixes and drinks so beware all of you who love to add these into your smoothies.

11. Aspartame
The sale of aspartame, with only four calories per gram and 200 times sweeter than sugar, is sold under the trademarks NutraSweet and Equal. Results indicate that aspartame is a multi-potential carcinogen, even consumed daily at 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. That is a lower quantity than the maximum recommended by the FDA. It’s one reason you should never purchase major brands of chewing gums.

12. BHA and BHT
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are used to preserve common household foods. Any processed food that has a long shelf life is often filled with BHA. They are found in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils. They are oxidants, which form potentially cancer-causing reactive compounds in your body.

13. Propyl Gallate
Another preservative, often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT. It is sometimes found in meat products, chicken soup base, and chewing gum. Animals studies have suggested that it could be linked to cancer.

14. Sodium Chloride
A dash of sodium chloride, more commonly known as salt, is the culprit that the mainstream media and medical community claim we should stay away from. They’re right, but only because it’s not real salt. Common table salt (sodium chloride) has almost nothing in common with traditional rock or sea salt. If a food label lists salt, or sodium chloride as an ingredient, that’s the bad stuff and you need to avoid these foods wherever possible.

15. Soy
Although it’s often lauded as a healthy, cholesterol-free, cheap, low-fat protein alternative to meat, soy is NOT a health food. Any foods that list soy in any form as an ingredient should be avoided. Soy protein, soy isolate, and soy oil are present in about 60 percent of the foods on the market and have been shown to impair fertility and affect estrogen in women, lower sex drive, and trigger puberty early in children. Soy can also add to the imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

The only soy products fit for human consumption are fermented and organic and I can guarantee you will never find this type of soy in any processed foods. The majority of soy is GMO and you can’t get around this. Regardless of who I am speaking with, soy is one of those foods I use to gauge the nutritional IQ of others. You would not believe how many health practitioners and even Naturopathic Doctors still think soy is a health food. Please don’t touch this stuff.


16. Corn
We are at the point where all corn products, including fresh corn should be avoided. The percentage of genetically modified corn is just far too high. You will never know if you are actually consuming organic corn. Modified cornstarch, dextrose, maltodextrin, and corn oil should all be avoided. All are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation, cancer, and heart disease. While your body needs both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to perform at its full potential, most experts recommend an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1–currently most Americans consume about 15-20 times more omega-6 acids than omega-3s.


17. Potassium Sorbate
As one of the most prolific preservatives in the food industry, it is difficult to find an ice cream without potassium sorbate. However, it is not only recommended to avoid this chemical, it’s a necessity to eliminate it from our foods. The food industry and its scientists will parrot endless myths that potassium sorbate is not a health threat because of its safety record and non-toxic profile. This could not be further from the truth.

Food and chemical toxicology reports have labeled potassium sorbate as a carcinogen, showing positive mutation results in the cells of mammals. Other studies have shown broad systemic and toxic effects on non-reproductive organs in animals. No long term studies have ever been initiated on either animals or humans, so there is simply not enough evidence to theorize what could happen after years of ingesting this preservative. However, based on short-term carcinogenic and toxic effects, is it worth the risk to find out?

18. Soy Lecithin
Soy Lecithin has been lingering around our food supply for over a century. It is an ingredient in literally hundreds of processed foods, and also sold as an over the counter health food supplement. However, most people don’t realize what soy lecithin actually is, and why the dangers of ingesting this additive far exceed its benefits.

Soybean lecithin comes from sludge left after crude soy oil goes through a “degumming” process. It is a waste product containing solvents and pesticides. The toxic hexane extraction process is what is commonly used in soybean oil manufacture today. Another big problem associated with soy lecithin comes from the origin of the soy itself. Look out for this emulsifier in ice creams, chocolate and many processed creams.


19. Polysorbate 80
Polysorbate 80 has been found to negatively affect the immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock which can kill. Food and Chemical Toxicology has shown that Polysorbate 80 causes infertility. It accelerates maturing, causes changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles. What is very suspicious about this ingredient is its addition to vaccines. Scientists are obviously aware of its ability to cause infertility yet it continues to appear in children’s vaccines. You will also commonly find this in a child’s favorite treat, ice cream.


20. Canola oil
Canola or rapeseed oil is poisonous to living things and is an excellent insect repellent. It is an industrial oil, not a food. It is a genetically modified plant designed through intensive breeding and genetic engineering techniques. The Canadian government and industry paid the FDA $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the (GRAS) List, “Generally Recognized As Safe”. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find products that do not contain Canola oil. Please do not buy any food product containing canola oil.

2. Enriched Wheat
Wheat is already one of those grains that should be avoided, but the key word to watch out for is ‘enrichment’. That means niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, and iron are added after these and other key nutrients are stripped out in the first place during the refining process. That applies to whether it’s wheat, rye, or other grains. Enriched flour is really just refined flour that has had a few nutrients re-added to it, but not enough to make any food made from this nutritionally worthy.


3. Hydrogentated or Fractionated Oils
Fractionating oil is a process most often used on palm and palm kernel oil that involves heating the oil, then cooling it quickly so that it breaks up into fractions (hence the name). The key thing is that the filtration process separates out most of the liquid part of the oil, leaving a high concentration of solid unhealthy fat behind which is terribly toxic for human consumption.

Hydrogenated oils are oils that are often healthy in their natural state, but are quickly turned into poisons through the manufacturing and processing they undergo. They take these naturally healthy oils such as palm, kernel, soybean, corn oil, canola oil or coconut oil and they heat it anywhere from five hundred to one thousand degrees. They then become fantastic preservatives because all the enzymatic activity in the oil has been neutralized during the hydrogenating process. Hydrogenated oils are the closest thing you can get to plastic sludge running through your body. If you see “hydrogenated” anywhere on an ingredient list, run like the wind.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Why You Should Use Essential Oils Instead of Antibiotics

Antibiotics destroy all of the bacteria in the body within 5 to 7 days. This reduces the capacity of the microflora to produce phytochemicals that protect against cancer. Once destroyed, it takes 9 to 12 months, or more, for the bacterial flora to regrow back. Without the normal bacteria, the body is now vulnerable for an extended period of time. Several gut pathogens can cause serious problems during a  course of antibiotics.

There’s a crisis that is gradually creeping up on all of us. Most people don’t want to acknowledge it because the consequences can almost be too horrifying to consider.

To put it mildly, this crisis has the potential to send our health care back to the middle ages where minor infections became life-threatening because there were no clear treatments on how to get rid of them.

The reason infections will be so deadly again is because antibiotics might be completely useless in the future.

How are we gradually getting to this potentially catastrophic point?

Overuse of antibiotics, both by ourselves and the massive beef, poultry, and porcine businesses, is slowly bring us to the brink.

How Antibiotic Overuse Affects You

Let’s begin with what’s within your control: how you use antibiotics. Many of us were raised seeing antibiotics as the ultimate solution for any infections or illnesses that we may have had.

Sure, your stomach would be a little upset but ultimately the infection would disappear and you could go on with your life; no harm done, right?


The reality is that using antibiotics for minor infections leads to two serious consequences. Your own immune system will begin to feel the strain because antibiotics are completely indiscriminate when it comes to eliminating bacteria.

This means that antibiotics will destroy the “good” bacteria allocated in your gut that actually help develop your immune system and improve your body’s efficiency at removing toxic metals.

This is why I recommend using antibiotics only when your family doctor deems it necessary to treat a serious infection.

Unfortunately, our personal decisions are not the only factor in this escalating problem. We also need to realize that the behemoths of the food industry are rapidly complicating the issue.

How Big Business Is Making Bacteria Stronger

As of today, the beef industry alone represents 70% of all antibiotic use in the United States. Let that sink in….

This fact, when added to the rampant use of pesticide-poisoned food to feed the cattle and the inhumane of growth hormones pumped into these creatures; make these companies on of the biggest dangers to our healthcare system.

The PR departments from these companies will argue that these ethically questionable and dangerous business practices are all done for our sake. The reality is that all this is done in the name of maximizing profit at our expense.

What Can You Do?

Besides making sure your money speaks for your convictions by purchasing certified organic and natural meat products you can also begin by finding and using natural alternatives to antibiotics.
As always, if you see that your infection is still resisting treatment, make sure to visit your doctor.
This is where essential oils come in.

Yes, they’re so much more than fancy scents or massage oils. Did you know they can be used as:

– The key ingredient for most natural cleaners.
– Alternative to highly toxic cosmetics.
– Natural pest controls.

Why Essential Oils Rule

The best thing is that a 2011 study found that essential oil combinations of oregano, cinnamon, and chili peppers actually make most poultry resistant to infections, and healthier compared to poultry receiving the regular toxic batch.

Thyme oil is a clear example of how potent essential oils can be against bacteria.

Essential oils are a valuable part of your home’s natural first aid kit and may be able to offer long-term protection against infections without compromising our health care system.

You can also try making this amazing homemade antibiotic.

If you would like to get my information about essential oils check out my good friend Anissa Pennyman on her Facebook page. You can also get great information on her fan Page at https://m.facebook.com/DefinedBeautyEssentials/ 

Feel free to check out her website on natural and essential oils as well at: http://www.definedbeautyessentials.com/ 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

10 Foods That Make You Look Younger

From what I've been told there are ways to turn the clock back a few years body wise. And you can do it just with the foods you eat. And even though it's not listed, don't forget to drink plenty of water as well.

You can’t really stop the clock, but did you know that you can take small steps to stay healthier and look younger for years to come. If you understand that smoking and too much sun exposure (And notice i said too much so don't go telling people I said avoid the sun. The sun is very beneficial to your health.) can cause premature aging, then you must also understand that your diet plays a major role in aging. What you eat affects how you look so let’s take a look at the top 10 foods that make you look younger.


This brain boosting food contains high levels of flavonoid which improves memory. Adding a handful of blueberries to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal can help you maintain your youthful glow for years.

Red Grapes

Did you ever hear that red wine can help you have healthy and clearer skin? This is true and it can be attributed to the fact that red wine contains grapes. Drinking a glass of red wine or eating a handful of these fruit regularly can also protect your skin from damage caused by UV radiation from the sun. This fruit is beneficial for the skin and your overall health.

Wild Salmon

Freshly caught wild salmon offers a number of benefits. While it contains large amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, it also contains astaxanthin which is a pigment responsible for fighting free radicals. Free radicals and rogue molecules damage DNA, cell membranes and cause premature aging. Adding salmon to your diet can also prevent ugly rough patches from forming on your body.


Walnuts, almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin A. They are also rich in nutrients that promote healthy and youthful skin. They protect the skin by forming a rich membrane that is flexible and moist. In addition, they provide protection against wrinkles.


The red pigment, lycopene contained in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant which protects the skin from sun damage. It works just like sunscreen protecting the skin from the inside as well as outside.

Citrus fruits

Collagen plays an important role when it comes to maintaining skin health and glow. If you want young-looking skin, you must protect the break down of collagen in your body and this can be achieved by eating citrus fruits which are rich in Vitamin C. Citrus fruits also contain bioflavonoids which help prevent cell death and provide protection from UV rays.

Leafy Vegetables

Kale, spinach and other green veggies contain lutein which prevents wrinkles and protects skin from sun damage.

Whole grains

Whole grains are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, fiber, protein and antioxidants. They prevent heart diseases and lower cholesterol levels. They also give the skin a healthy glow.


Another food that you must eat on a regular basis to look younger is broccoli. This food not only contains Vitamin C, but also contains sulforaphane which helps fight cancer and promotes liver detoxification. It boosts your immune system and provide protection from age related illnesses.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa in generous proportions and they are also rich in flavanols. They help the blood vessels to function properly which lowers the risk of diabetes, dementia, high blood pressure and kidney disease. When you eat dark chocolate, you will have a healthy heart, less stress and young looking skin.

And make sure all of these foods are organic. You can't really out a price on my health and I don't recommend you do either. Your body will not fail you if you invest in it. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

How to Save and Regrow Your Hair with Just One Ingredient

Castor Oil is the Best For Thickening and Regrowing hair, Eyelashes and Eyebrows

Castor oil is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Castor oil contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties. Castor Oil consists of a triglyceride of fatty acids ( 90% of  which are smade up of ricinoleic acid). This unique composition gives castor oil its unbelievable healing abilities. Ricinoleic acid is known to be effective in getting rid of and preventing viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds.
A little History

Historically, castor oil was used as an oral laxative.  However, today castor oil  is mostly used and recommended as a topical application.  It’s a cheap and effective remedy for many ailments.  Castor oil  has been used for many practical applications. In Russia, the stem of the plant is used in the textile industry.
Ricinus communis, the plant from which castor oil is extracted, is native to India.  Along with amazing health benefits, the plant itself is known for  being one of the most toxic plants on earth.  However, there is nothing to worry about –  castor oil is not toxic. When castor oil is extracted,  the toxic part is left behind in the pulp of the seeds.
Home Health Castor Oil, Cold Pressed and Cold Processed, 32-Ounce
The Composition of Castor Oil

Castor oil contains vitamin E, minerals, proteins, antibacterial and anti-fungicidal properties. Castor Oil consists of a triglyceride of fatty acids ( 90% of  which are made up of ricinoleic acid). This unique composition gives castor oil its unbelievable healing abilities. Ricinoleic acid is known to be effective in getting rid of and preventing viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds.
The Many Castor Oil Uses and Benefits
Castor oil (here) has a long list of useful properties.
Thickens and regrows hair. Castor oil is loaded with omega 9 fatty acids, which nourish the hair and follicles. Castor oil is able to penetrate into the pores and follicles that produce hair. Just massage a couple of  drops of castor oil into your  hair.
Improves Lymphatic Flow. According to Dr David Williams, “No drug exists that has the ability to improve lymphatic flow; however, the job can easily be handled through the topical application of Castor oil.”
Anti-inflammatory. Castor oil consists of ricinoleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for reducing inflammation and swelling of joints and tissues.
Helps the intestinal system with inflammatory bowels and dysentery.
Yeast Infections. Ricinoleic acid found in castor oil is able inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeast and virus’.
Constipation. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil promotes regular bowel movement.
Gastrointestinal Problems
Menstrual Disorders. Castor oil is known to relax the muscles involved in menstrual cramps.
Acne.  Due to the ricinoleic acid in castor oil, many skin problems can be treated with it.
Athlete’s Foot
Skin Problems
Hair and Dandruff.  Due to fungicidal, germicidal and insecticidal properties, castor oil is an effective treatment for dandruff and helps protect the scalp  from fungal and microbial infections.
Castor Oil Uses
To treat skin problems.

For various skin conditions such as bacterial infections, bursitis, fungal infections, itching, keratosis, ringworm, sebaceous cysts, sprains and warts, rub castor oil on to areas of the skin.
Castor oil packs

Another way to use castor oil is to make castor oil packs. (you can find it here)  They help with various health ailments such as kidney stones, fibroids, ovarian cysts, swollen joints, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive disorders and menstrual cramps.  Soak a cotton cloth folded in several layers in oil and apply it to the skin. Castor oil packs are usually applied to joints and muscles.   If you want to increase its effectiveness, place a hot water bottle placed over the pack. Leave it on for an hour.  Use it up to 3 times a week.

The Mixture of These 2 Ingredients Kills Cysts And Fibroids

Today’s article will present a miraculous two- ingredient remedy that effectively fights against numerous serious health conditions, and especially cysts and fibroids.

Its first ingredient is houseleek, which is a common house plant originally cultivated by the Greeks and Romans, together with other plants so as to prevent them from caterpillars, insects and pests. The houseleek is a strong plant and can endure any condition, so it has deserved its Latin name, which means “always living”.

This excellent plant is a rich source of medicinal nutrients, especially when it comes to the treatment of cysts and fibroids.

Folk Remedy against Cysts and Fibroids

10.5 oz / 300 g leaves of houseleek
17.5 oz / 500 g honey
Method of preparation:
Chop the leaves of the houseleek and add the honey. Leave thus for 2-3 days, until they are well soaked.


You should consume this remedy first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, and you should not eat anything in the next 2 hours as well.

This remedy is extremely beneficial for stimulating your metabolism and cleansing your body of toxins, which makes it really effective especially during the winter months. During the winter, due to decreased physical activity, more and more harmful substances accumulate in the body, and detoxifying treatments and remedies are of crucial importance.

Moreover, this remedy has even been recommended by Russian doctors and is believed to be able to do wonders in cases of heart disease as well.

Last, but not the least: this superb combination is highly effective in the treatment of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Studies Reveal 4 Foods To Avoid To Reduce Mucus

Mucus can be our friend or our foe. According to any dictionary, mucus is defined as a:

“Viscous, slimy mixture of mucins, water, electrolytes, epithelial cells, and leukocytes that is secreted by glands lining the nasal, esophageal, and other body cavities.”
Mucus, also known as phlegm, is produced by your body from areas like your nose and intestines. While it is a defense mechanism, too much can make colds and allergies far worse, causing miserable and painful coughs – your body’s attempt to rid itself of the excess mucus.
See Infographic: How to reduce mucus in the throat
Thankfully, there are ways to ease the irritation, by avoiding certain foods that can increase mucus buildup. When mucus goes from helpful to annoying, like when fighting off a cold or allergies, these are the four top foods you will want to avoid:

1. Dairy products

These foods top the list of offenders in the unwanted excess mucus category. While there are a lot of myths about this, what is known is that consumption of dairy products can make mucus thicker, which makes it more difficult to get rid of.
According to the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, dairy products, such as ice cream and yogurt, can thicken mucus for a person suffering from a head cold.
A 2007 study published in the European Respiratory Journal demonstrated that participants who were regularly exposed to milk powder were significantly more likely to experience “nasal congestion, breathlessness, wheezing and reduced lung function, than participants who worked in an office environment.”

2. Certain varieties of fruits and vegetables

We all know how healthy fruits and veggies are. They are a critical part of a healthy lifestyle and diet plan.
However, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, certain varieties may increase mucus production. The main triggers:
So if you are battling with seasonal allergies, a sinus infection or a cold, you’ll want to avoid these for a while.

3. Wheat

Wheat is a very common cause of respiratory symptoms, according to many nutritional experts. According to cardiologist William Davis, M.D., “mucus flows where wheat goes.”
There are so many components in wheat it is difficult to determine exactly what part causes the increased mucus production, but it should be avoided when you wish to decrease the flow of mucous and congestion. According to Dr. Davis, “The reduction in mucous production in sinuses and airways is among the more common observations among the wheat-free.”

4. Beverages that lead to dehydration

Certain beverages including coffee, tea, and soda, when consumed in large quantities, can increase the risk of dehydration.
According to The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, becoming dehydrated can lead to thicker mucus. They recommend drinking water instead, to help your body keep mucus secretions thin and lubricated. (7)
If you can avoid the above foods and beverages, you can give yourself an excellent head start in avoiding the excess buildup of mucus.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Drink Pineapple Water In The Morning For A Year (And These 10 Things Happen)

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, choices that you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to disease or tear it down. This is why you should start your day by focusing on healthy morning rituals such as drinking pineapple water on an empty stomach.

Pineapple offers a rich source of some of the lesser known micronutrients that your body needs. Pineapple is packed with the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which plays a major role in the body’s healing process.

10 Reasons to Add Pineapple to your Water Daily:

1. Fights inflammation

Bromelain is an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory properties. Bromelain helps the body get rid of toxins by fighting off inflammation which impacts all the tissues and organs in the body. Regular consumption of pineapple can help to treat mild forms of arthritis and sports injuries by reducing inflammation and pain.

2. Helps with weight loss

Due to the fiber contained in pineapple, it takes more time to digest, thus causing a prolonged feeling of satiety. Drinking pineapple water in the morning prevents sugar and fat cravings.  Thiamine helps boost your body metabolism by converting carbohydrates into energy.

3. Flushes parasites from liver and intestines

Pineapples contain an enzyme bromelain, that is anti-parisitic. A couple sources state that a three day pineapple fast will kill tape worms.

4. Regulates the thyroid

Pineapples contain iodine and bromelain that are effective in improving various autoimmune disorders; thus, effective in easing symptoms associated with thyroiditis.

5. Balances electrolytes

Pineapple contain potassium which helps make our body a lot stronger and maintain the proper balance of electrolytes in your body preventing cramps or other injuries.

6. Gets rid of heavy metals and toxins

Pineapple is loaded with fiber, beneficial enzymes and a host of antioxidants that help to detox your body from heavy metals and toxins.

7. Works as a digestive aid.
Bromelain in pineapple helps the body digest proteins more efficiently.

8. Strengthens gums and helps whiten and preserve teeth

Research found that the enzyme bromelain in pineapples acts as a natural stain remover, according to Dr. Frawley.  Bromelain also helps break up plaque effectively.

9. Improves vision

Pineapple contains beta-carotene and vitamin A that good for eyesight. Data reported in a study published in the Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that eating 3 or more servings of pineapple per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults.
10. Protects from cancer.

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Terrific Banana Drink That Will Burn Stomach Fat Immediately

The way I’m consuming bananas every day I think they will start to grow in my stomach.
I’m kidding.
My 3 year old son (Ethan) is looking at me like I'm crazy as if he knows what I'm typing right now.
You can see that he really loves me because he won't stay out of my face.
He like bananas to so that's good in a way but bad that he wants what I want. It's hard to keep good food to yourself with a curious toddler around Lol. Well enough about him, back to the topic at hand.
I’m like a radar for bananas. I notice them everywhere. I love them in recipes like this. Smoothies are not the “real thing” without bananas. This time we're talking about a belly fat burning drink. (It is said that if you consume this drink regularly you will be able to see the results within a week.)
The banana is that type of fruit that has a high level of potassium.
This means that it builds strong muscles and has the ability to (believe it or not) scare away the toxins out of your body.
In combination with other nutritive ingredients, the banana is highly beneficial and efficient. #BeneficialHealthLiving

Now! Let's get to it! I'm excited aren't you?

Boost your body to burn fat. Use this drink and let’s see that fat part ways with your belly.
Let’s see what I have prepared for you now.

     1 banana
     1 orange
     ½ glass low-fat or fat-free yoghurt (Greek Yoghurt)
     1 tbsp. coconut oil
     ¼ tbsp. ginger powder
     2 tbsps. flax seed
     2 tbsps. Whey powder

Check out your nearest health food store to get what you need as far as ingredients. If you're in the Charlotte, NC area I recommend the Healthy Home Market in Central Ave. They carry a lot of great things there.

Mix them all in your blender. Blend, pour in a glass, drink and enjoy!
I would drink this in the morning. It’s very nutritive and will give me the benefit of having a great day.
Maintain your diet and enrich it with this drink.
Keep up the good work!

Clean Your Fatty Liver With This Beverage! (RECIPE)

The function of the liver is to process the food we consume, and to eliminate all fats, toxins and other harmful substances which enter our organism. Therefore, the liver is one of the most important organs in the human body, and all the harmful substances and processed foods it removes, leave severe consequences to it.
However, when this organ is not functioning as it should, it has adverse effects on all the other body organs. Hence, it is of great importance to take care of the liver’s health and keep it clean. Due to all this, you need to make a body detoxification frequently, which will improve the function of your liver.
This article reveals an amazing way to naturally cleanse your liver and your entire organism.
Liver Cleansing Beverage- Recipe

250 g of fresh pears
1 lemon
125 g of fresh cabbage
Piece of ginger (2 cm)
25 g of celery
10 g of mint
500 ml of water

Method of preparation
Chop the pears, cabbage, celery and ginger into tiny pieces and put them in a blender. Then, pour a glass of water and mix the mixture well. Next, add the rest of the water, the mint and the lemon juice, mix one more time and serve it in glasses.
You should drink this amazing beverage twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. After detoxifying your body with this fantastic natural cleansing drink, your liver will “run as a clock”!

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Cleaning is crucial in any home, but regular cleaners take their toll on the environment. Instead, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a cheap, effective way to do housework without using harmful chemicals? Fortunately, there is! And most of the items you will need are already in your home.

Lemon Deodorizers

When it comes to natural cleaners, the humble lemon is your best friend. Why use expensive lemon scented fragrances when a real lemon does just as good a job? Simply take a lemon, cut it in half and leave one half with the cut side exposed (preferably in a dish). Not only will this hide odors, you’ll get a fresh lemon scent wherever you place it.

Vinegar Spray

Vinegar is highly acidic, which makes it useful for cleaning dirt on a variety of surfaces. More specifically, it’s great for cleaning windows and polishing metal. If you have a spray bottle, you can create a mixture that’s 3 or 4 parts water and 1 part vinegar. Then, simply use the spray as you normally would – you’ll quickly find it’s no trouble at all to remove various tough stains around the home.

Peace Lillies

A plant is just a plant right? Wrong – plants having many uses in the home, often acting as natural filters. Not only will you help oxidize the room, plants can absorb some of the harmful agents in the air, making them a great companion to lemon deodorizers. Better yet, try using a peace lily where possible. Peace lilies are great at preventing mold, and it’s always better to prevent a difficult task where possible!

Boiled Potato Water

The next time you boil potatoes, don’t throw out the leftover water. This water has a combination of a high temperature and the starchy extracts left from the potatoes. As a result, its perfect for cleaning silver, whether its cutlery or ornaments. Just make sure to use it when its hot. ( It can always be reheated, of course.)

Nut Shells

As a more unusual solution, Indian nut shells are great for washing a variety of things. It’s no surprise then, that they’re often called soap nuts in some parts of the world. Crush around 2oz of shells in a 3-5 cups of water. Bring the water to the boiling point to create a simple soap. This can be used to wash glasses, dishes, counters, and the car! You can even use this soap in the dishwasher, or just add a few of the shells in as they are. You can also put the shells in a bag and throw it in with the laundry.

Baking Soda

If you bake, chances are you have a spare bag or box of baking soda. If you’re not planning a cake anytime soon, it makes a great all-purpose cleaner, similar to vinegar. Mix 4 spoons of soda into one warm cup of water for an effective agent, perfect for surfaces and kitchen appliances. As with any cleaning chemical, use it with a cloth or wipe and you’ll have no trouble at all.  It also works well as a scrubbing agent. Shake it on a surface and use a wet rag to scrub.

Ground Coffee

If you are a coffee drinker, you have the makings of a good dish scrubber. Using an elastic band or string, use your cleaning cloth to make a ‘bag’ full of coffee beans. The rough texture, combined with warm water and the natural ingredients inside coffee make for an effective scrubbing assistant – perfect for tough dishes!

As an added bonus, you can sprinkle used coffee grounds outside, around the perimeter of your house to repel ants and other insects and you can put coffee beans in plant pots and other areas where pests might gather.

Natural (Essential) Oils

Various types of natural oils have additional cleaning applications. For example, peppermint, tea-tree, lavender, and even eucalyptus oils all make effective bacteria killers. This makes them ideal for use in the kitchen. Due to their potency, you need only add a few drops of such an oil to a 50/50 mixture of water and white vinegar. On a similar note, the various plant-based oils used in cooking – such as sunflower or olive oils – are great at removing gritty dirt. Add a few teaspoons of salt to these vegetable oils to great a basic paste. Then, simply rinse with hot water and scrub away!

Sea Salt

Salt is, of course, a natural product, and it’s course nature makes it great for scrubbing or scouring. This is best used for dishes, as the rough nature of salt helps to break away dirt, yet it won’t scratch precious glassware. It also works well on stubborn surfaces, such as wooden counters and the dreaded oven. So don’t be afraid to add a little salt when dealing with difficult stains.

Lemon Scrub

Finally, there’s one more use for lemons! Aside from being a good spray and deodorizer, you can also use it as a simple scrub. Squeeze and rub a lemon onto your cleaning cloth and then use it as you normally would. This acts just like a cleaning agent – thanks to the acidic, citric nature of the fruit – and doesn’t harm the environment.


As you can see there are more than a few ways to keep your house sparkling clean without harming Mother Nature or your family’s health. The next time you’re ready to reach for a cleaning product, take a look in your shelves first. You might just be pleasantly surprised.

Make Detox Foot Pads at Home and Remove All the Dangerous Toxins from Your Body Overnight

Detox foot pads were first used in Japan. It is about stick-on pads that need to be placed on the soles of the feet before going to bed. The next day when you remove the foot pads, you will see that the dangerous toxins eliminated from the body have darkened the pads.

The foot pads are worn on feet because they help circulate blood and lymph into the torso. Our inactive lifestyle causes circulation to bog down around the ankles, lower legs and feet.

The positive results of using foot detox pads are less fatigue, joint pain, and fewer headaches.

Additionally, you can buy ready-made detox foot pads, or make your own at home.

These are the ingredients you will need:

(Organic) Onion
(Organic) Garlic
(Filtered) Water
Self-stick gauze pads
(Clean) Socks

Slice the garlic and onion till it is well chopped. Put it aside. Pour water in a kettle and let it boil. Add the finely sliced garlic and onions in the boiling water. Then, let it boil for additional 10 minutes.

Next, let the water cool off for 20 minutes. Then, pour the mixture in the center of the self-stick gauze pads, only enough to get wet. If there is too much liquid in the pads, squeeze the excess out. Also, try not to wet the sticky part of the pads.

Patch the self-stick gauze pad on the soles of the feet, especially at the center part. Put on socks so the pad won’t fall off. Throw it away the next morning.
You should see that the pad has turned dark. Those are the toxins that were in your body.

Monday, November 16, 2015

6 Signs You Could Be Having A Heart Attack – A Month Before It Actually Happens

Only 27% were aware of all major symptoms and knew to call 9-1-1 when someone was having a heart attack.
Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Here are the symptoms you need to be aware of when it comes to recognizing heart attacks. These could let you know if you are at risk, even a month before it happens.

Chest Discomfort

This is the most common of symptoms and it comes in various different forms. Some people feel a pressure in their chest, while others feel burning or pinching. These feelings can occur during physical activity or while you’re at rest. The best thing to do is to contact a doctor right away if you feel any strange sensations in your chest.
It is important to note that you could be having a heart attack without feeling discomfort in your chest, as is common in women.

Feeling Tired

A sudden feeling of fatigue for no reason could be a sign that a heart attack is incoming. The heart has to work harder as arteries begin to close, and can make simple tasks feel exhausting. This can result sleeping longer hours at night or feeling like you need to take multiple naps during the day.

Long Lasting Cold Symptoms

Having cold symptoms that won’t seem to go away could be a sign of heart failure. As the heart struggles with supplying the body with blood, blood can leak back into the lungs. Pay attention to white or pink mucus with your cough which could be a byproduct of blood leakage.


As the heart struggles to pump the body with blood, veins can begin to swell causing a bloating effect. The main points of swelling are the feet, ankles, and legs because they are the farthest from the heart. It is also possible to observe peripheral cyanosis, which is a blue tinge seen in the lips or extremities.


As blood circulation is restricted with a weakened heart, the brain may not be receiving the amount of oxygen it needs. You may feel constantly dizzy or light headed, and this is a major point of concern and you should seek medical attention immediately.

Shortness Of Breath

Another major sign of an impending heart attack is shortness of breath. The heart and lungs work in unison, so as the heart begins to work poorly, the lungs don’t get the amount of oxygen that they need. This causes difficulty breathing and needs to be treated immediately.
These symptoms may occur up to a month in advance so it is important to be aware of them at all times. If you feel any or a combination of these symptoms please seek medical attention quickly. Take charge of your health and protect yourself as best as you can.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

3 Steps to Cure Diarrhea

3 Steps to Cure Diarrhea

Diarrhea can have a variety of causes including food allergies, infections, emotional stress, or autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s. Diarrhea is a natural reaction to toxins that need to be expelled from the digestive system.
Chronic diarrhea is problematic and can lead to dehydration and nutrient deficiencies.  The good news is there are several steps you can take to thicken your stool and cure diarrhea.

Top Foods for Diarrhea

Water – Hydration is critical, try to drink 16 ounces of fluids every hour.
Homemade bone broth – Bone broth will provide nutrition and hydration.
Fresh vegetable juice – As long as the vegetable juice does not worsen the diarrhea, vegetables can help provide electrolytes.
Flaxseed Oil – Has been shown to reduce the duration of diarrhea.
Simple foods easy to digest – Stick with a diet of apples, bananas, and rice the first few days as these foods are easy on the digestive system.

Foods to Avoid

Conventional Dairy  – Processed dairy can be hard to digest and can make diarrhea worse.  However raw cultured dairy high in probiotics can support bowel function.
Fats and oils – Too much fat can upset your sensitive stomach and make the diarrhea return.
Sugar – Bacteria love to eat sugar and sugar reduces immune system functioning.
Caffeine – Caffeine can stimulate the digestive tract increasing diarrhea.
Any potential allergen – Diarrhea can result from food allergies, common culprits include gluten, nuts, shellfish, and dairy.

Top 5 Supplements to Cure Diarrhea

#1 Probiotics (50 billion units daily)
Probiotics help fight infection and can help re-colonize the gut with healthy bacteria.

#2 Digestive Enzymes (2 before each meal)
These enzymes will help with nutrient absorption.

#3 Glutamine powder (5g 2x daily)
Glutamine is an amino acid that helps repair the digestive tract, especially important for people with chronic diarrhea.

#4 Aloe Vera Juice (1/2 cup 3x daily)
Aloe is healing to the digestive system.

#5 Raw Sprouted Fiber from Flax and Chia seeds (3 tbsp daily).
Soluble fiber can help thicken stools and reduce the frequency of diarrhea

Essential Oils for Diarrhea 

Peppermint essential oil can reduce bowel inflammation and soothe the digestive tract reducing loose stools

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

5 Natural Remedies For Gum Disease That Beat Store Bought Toothpaste And Mouthwash!

First let me give you the symptoms so you'll know what you're up against. The very first symptoms everyone could notice are the red, swollen gums, known as gingivitis in medical terms. These symptoms can be noticed when you brush or floss your teeth, as the swollen and sensitive gums may start to bleed. Another symptom is the bad taste when you are eating, or the bad breath. You can also experience different kinds of pain, pain while chewing a gum and even losing a tooth.

Here are the Causes

Many foods we eat are loaded with sugar and they encourage the growth of bacteria in your mouth. The poor dental hygiene allows all the bacteria in the mouth, and in this way, leads to gum disease. If you don’t apply proper brushing, the ‘bad’ bacteria will cause inflammation, which can lead to erosion of the bone in your jaw in case it’s left untreated.

There are also many other factors than dental hygiene that lead to gum diseases. Many examples, such as hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy or menopause show that the gum sensitivity can be increased during these periods. On the other way, the gum disease can be inclined genetically, but with the right treatment of your teeth, you can avoid it. Smoking and high blood sugar can also cause gum disease by damaging gum tissue and weakening the immune system respectively.

Home remedies have been used through centuries for healing any disease, including gum disease. You can avoid using the store bough toothpaste by applying these remedies everyday:


Sage leafs are the best medicines for any infective disease, for its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. A fresh sage leaf mixed in sea salt and rubbed on the infected area can cleanse and relieve you from the disease in very few days.


A turmeric powder combined with warm water has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Applied to your teeth by brushing them with a soft toothbrush can cleanse the wound and heal it in a short period of time.

Salt water

If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, you can use the salt water to cleanse the infected area. Sea salt mixed in warm water will kill all the bacteria if swished around your mouth for a minute or two every day.

Baking soda

It has been known for a very long time that baking soda is the best and the simplest solution for the gum disease. Instead of toothpaste, you can brush your teeth with soda paste combined with olive oil. If you have infected gums, combine soda with water and swish it around your mouth for a few minutes, two to three times a week.

Oil Pulling

Before the toothpaste, people used a technique called oil pulling to protect their teeth from diseases. Follow these steps to cleanse infected areas using oil:

Put sesame and coconut oil in a tablespoon.
Swish it around your moth for a couple of minutes.
Spit out and rinse with warm water
Repeat this process for a few days
Ozonated Olive Oil

All of the above mentioned treatments can treat the inflamed gum, but in some cases, we may not get the results we expect. A powerful treatment, such as ozonated olive oil is needed in these cases. Olive oil is full of vitamins and in combination with ozone can heal the wound very fast without any side effects. According to researchers, patients that use ozonated oil healed faster than the patients using store bought toothpaste. Want to know how to apply it? Follow these steps:

Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush and non-fluoride toothpaste.
Floss each side of the tooth to remove plaque and debris
Massage the gums with ozonated olive oil for 10 minutes
You can additionally brush your teeth with ozonated olive oil

Saturday, October 10, 2015

How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home

The very thought of seeing a spider on my carpet, or climbing up my wall, or lurking in my bath tub sends shivers down my spine. It’s fair to say I don’t like spiders – but I know they can be very beneficial so I don’t want to kill them!

Which is why this article is so great. It reveals nine fantastic natural ways to repel spiders and keep them out of your home without harming them and without harming your family with the use of chemical sprays.

Let’s be completely honest. Nobody REALLY likes spiders. Even if they are completely harmless little things, nobody really wants spiders hanging around inside their house. But, how do you repel them naturally without hurting them, and without exposing your family to any potentially harmful chemicals?

Read on for the answers you are looking for!

Mint Them Out
Did you know that spiders HATE peppermint? Most people don’t! An easy way to keep spiders from invading your space is to fill a spray bottle with peppermint essential oil and water, and then spray it around your home. Plus, your home will smell great!!

Clean It Up
The cheapest and most organic way to repel spiders naturally is probably not the easiest! Keeping your home neat, tidy and free of dust or webs is the best way to keep spiders from moving in. Regular vacuuming, dusting, and de-cluttering will keep any insects from making themselves at home!

Use Vinegar
White vinegar has about five trillion uses around the house (look it up!), and repelling spiders is one of them! Repelling spiders with vinegar is much like repelling them with peppermint oil, in that you fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water, and spray all the cracks and crevices around your home.

Enlist The Help Of A Furry Friend
Cats are a great spider deterrent! Four legged furry friends can be great hunters and will definitely not let a spider crawl across the floor without going on the prowl and taking care of business!

Don’t Let Them In
A great way to keep spiders out of your home is to never let them in in the first place! Make sure the exterior of your home is free from leaves, grass clippings, wood piles, or any other notorious spider hangouts. You can also check all door openings and windowsills to make sure there isn’t room for spiders to get in that way,and apply caulk when needed.

Citrus Does The Trick
It’s common knowledge that spiders hate all things citrus. Rubbing citrus peels on areas where spiders are known to frequent, like baseboards, windowsills and bookshelves, is a great way to keep them from coming around. Even using lemon scented furniture polish can drive spiders away!

Let Cedar Do The Work
Cedar can be a great deterrent for spiders. You can use cedar mulch outside around the perimeter of your home to try to keep spiders from ever getting inside. If you have access to a cedar chest or cedar hangers to use in your closet, that is a good choice as well. Using cedar blocks or shavings inside closets, cupboards or drawers can make them think twice about hanging out in there too!

Yes, you read that right, chestnuts! They have been known to drive away spiders, so placing a few in your windowsills or along your baseboards can keep spiders from hanging out there. Many people also believe that the same thing can be done with an osage orange (also known as a hedgeapple) You can keep chestnuts and hedgeapples in the house for a long time before they go bad, so it’s worth giving it a shot!

It sounds weird, but spiders hate tobacco just about as much as they hate lemons and chestnuts! You can sprinkle small pieces of tobacco where spiders are troublesome, or you can soak tobacco in water and then spray the mixture all around. However, tobacco is pretty expensive these days, so you can likely find a more affordable fix for keeping spiders at bay!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Cancer research is a failure

Over $250 billion dollars has been spent on cancer research and you have a better chance of getting cancer than you did 50 years ago and when science was not as advanced. Doesn't make sense to me. But the majority of the population don't even question it due to ignorance.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Natural Activated Charcoal Facial Cleanser Recipe

Natural Activated Charcoal Facial Cleanser Recipe


.5 oz. cocoa butter
.25 oz. shea butter
3.5 oz. organic liquid castile soap
1 teaspoon liquid soy lecithin
2 ml rosehip seed oil
15 drops birch tar essential oil
15 drops rose absolute blend
5 drops non-GMO vitamin E
5 drops rosemary extract
1 teaspoon activated charcoal powder

To create this activated charcoal facial cleanser recipe you’ll begin by using a digital kitchen scale to weigh out the cocoa and shea butters. Melt in either a double boiler or at reduced power in a glass Pyrex Prepware Measuring Cup. Then using a measuring spoon, measure out the soy lechtin and stir into the melted butters until it is thoroughly combined.

Next, weigh out the organic castile soap (Mountain Rose Herbs carries a good one or you can use Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Baby Mild Castile Liquid Soap) and gently stir into the butters and soy lecithin. Now measure out the rosehip seed oil using a Plastic Transfer Pipettesor a glass dropper and stir in. Follow with the essential oils, vitamin E and rosemary extract using a clean dropper for each ingredient.
Finally measure out the activated charcoal powder and whisk into the cleanser. Then using a funnel, pour the facial cleanser into one 4 oz. amber glass bottle with a lotion pump – or use small 1 oz. or 2 oz. amber bottles with screw tops or glass droppers for travel friendly facial cleansers – and allow to cool completely. It will thicken some as it cools.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Problem with Commercialized Almond milk

What is almond milk?
Almond milk is made by blending almonds and water and then straining the mixture. Sweeteners are sometimes added. In 2014, almond milk surpassed soy milk in popularity. Almond milk contains about 90 calories per eight-ounce cup. It has no saturated fats or cholesterol and is lactose-free. Almond milk contains half of the daily requirement of vitamin E and a good dose of vitamin D, but it contains very little protein. With its creamy, nut-like taste, almond milk is a good alternative to milk in coffee and cereal. Its low calorie content makes it a good food for dieters and those who are lactose intolerant. People who regularly drink almond milk are advised to ensure that they get adequate protein from other plant or animal sources.

Problems with commercial almond milk
With sales exceeding $854 million in 2014, almond milk is becoming a standard milk replacement. One of the problems with commercial almond milk is that it contains only 2 percent almonds. In fact, some of the labels on the commercial varieties list more sweeteners than almonds in the mixture. The labeling laws currently allow companies to use additives instead of the nutritious almonds that consumers expect. For a half-gallon of almond milk, about 144 to 192 almonds are needed; however, only 38 to 50 almonds are used per half-gallon by both Blue Diamond and Silk almond milk. Instead of almonds, the product is thickened with carrageenan, which is void of nutrients. Recently, WhiteWave and Blue Diamond stated they would be removing carrageenan from their products.

Harmful health effects of carrageenan
Carrageenan has been shown to cause numerous health problems, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Research has shown that exposure to carrageenan could cause ulcers in the colon and possibly even contribute to GI cancers. In 1972, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considered a restriction on dietary carrageenan, but no regulation was put into effect, which means that manufacturers are free to use this product at their discretion.

First used as a food additive in the 1930s, carrageenan is also used as a laxative, a treatment for peptic ulcers, and in toothpaste, room deodorizers, pesticides, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical drugs. In 1959, carrageenan was granted GRAS (generally regarded as safe) status. It easily combines with milk proteins and has been used as a substitute for fats in food. It can be found in cottage cheese, whipped cream, ice cream, infant formulas and processed meats.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

10 Benenfits that can be received from Baking Soda

Here are 10 thing that you can do with Baking Soda and the benefits of doing them. To me personally, I think were just scratching the surface with these.

1. Baking soda is known to increase plaque removal, that’s why it’s widely used in toothpaste. And you can make your own toothpaste with it, the totally natural trick to fresh your breath.
Mix together baking soda(2/3 cup), optional salt(1 teaspoon), and peppermint essential oil(10-15 drops). Add a little water at a time, stir till the paste reaches desired consistency.

2. Also, it works well as a bug bite soother. Create a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water, keep applying it for 2-3 times a day until the bite dissipates.

3. Compare with other options, baking soda is a cost-effective way to reduce heartburn and indigestion. Add half a teaspoon of baking powder to two cups of water and drink some an hour after eating may help.

4. Mix baking soda with warm water to wash hands and feet, this trick will leave your hands soft, and baking soda will remove bacteria and odors to protect your feet.

5. DIY natural deodorant: You can create your own deodorant with baking soda, just mix a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to create a milky paste, and then rub it under your underarms, it works! (This needs to be said)

6. Baking soda is the perfect remedy to relieve ulcer pain. Drink a cup of water with one teaspoon of baking soda to reduce the pain.

7. Simply combine one teaspoon of baking soda with half a cup of water, then you get your face exfoliator. Rub it on your face in a circular motion, this can help you remove dry skin easily. (And you can save a lot of money that you would've spent in Oil of Olay. You know who you are.)

8. You can create your own teeth whitener with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Rub the paste onto your teeth once a week, rinse your mouth after 5 minutes, this will make your teeth looking pearly white.

9. Baking soda is a natural itchy skin relief, mix a teaspoon with some warm water to create a paste, and then rub it on your itchy skin to reduce the discomfort.

10. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo when washing hair, then you’ll find it’s easy to remove dirt and oil.

The most common benefits you can get from baking soda include:

  • Helps with digestive issues
  • Helps pH balance
  • Reduces the symptoms of gout
  • Promotes kidney health
  • Treats urinary tract infections
  • Reduces muscle pain and fatigue
  • Fights off diseases
  • Neutralizes acid
  • Kills fungi, mold and parasites
  • Reduces the duration of cold and flu
  • Eases stomach pain
  • Relieves bloating and gas
  • Minimizes cough and sore throat

  • Friday, July 10, 2015

    Natural Remedies for Blood pressure

    Top Foods For Blood Pressure Diet

    High fiber foods – Unprocessed foods high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, and seeds should be the basis of any healthy diet.
    Low sodium foods – Excess salt consumption raises blood pressure.  Limit your consumption to no more than 1500-2000 mg daily.
    High potassium foods – Potassium counteracts the effect of sodium and helps lower blood pressure, include foods like melons, avocados, and bananas.
    Omega-3 rich foods – Consume omega-3 rich foods like grass-fed beef, wild caught salmon, chia and flax seeds to reduce inflammation.
    Dark chocolate – Look for a dark chocolate that contains at least 200 mg of cocoa phenols which can reduce blood pressure.

    Blood Pressure Foods to Avoid

    High sodium foods -Sodium raises blood pressure, avoid high sodium processed foods, pickles, olives, or canned foods.
    Trans fats and Omega-6 fats – These fats increase inflammation and blood pressure and are found in packaged foods and conventional meats.
    Sugar – High sugar consumption is connected to high blood pressure.
    Caffeine – Too much caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure.
    Alcohol – Narrows arteries and can increase blood pressure.

    Top 5 Blood Pressure Natural Remedies

    #1 Fish oil (1,000-2,000mg daily)
    Fish oil reduces blood pressure and inflammation when taken long-term.

    #2 Magnesium (500 mg before bed)
    Magnesium helps with relaxation of smooth muscle and reduces blood pressure.

    #3 CoQ10 (100-300 mg daily)
    Becomes depleted as we age, which may be related to why blood pressure also increases as we age.

    #4 Potassium
    It is best not to take a potassium supplement in high doses unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

    #5 Garlic (600mg aged extract)
    Can help lower blood pressure and relax smooth muscles.

    Lifestyle Tip

    Reducing stress can lower blood pressure.  Some tips include getting better sleep, scheduling in more free-time and fun, surrounding yourself with encouraging friends and also exercising on a daily basis.

    "Master Tonic" one of the most powerful natural antibiotics in the world

    The basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics.

    This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It has also a powerful antiviral and antifungal formula, increases blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of the body. This plant-based remedy is the best choice for the fight against candida.

    This tonic has helped many people to cure many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases and even plague! Its power should most certainly not be underestimated.

    It can cure many chronic conditions and diseases. Encourages blood circulation, and purifies blood. This formula has helped millions of people throughout the centuries to fight the most deadliest diseases. The secret is in the powerful combination of high-quality natural and fresh ingredients!

    To sum up, this tonic is effective in the treatment of all diseases, successfully strengthens the immune system, acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic medicine. Assists in the most severe infections.

    Master tonic – Recipe

    You may want to wear gloves during the preparation, especially when handling hot peppers, because it is difficult to get the tingling off your hands! Be careful, its smell is very strong, and it may stimulate the sinuses instantly.


    24 oz /700 ml apple cider vinegar (always use organic)
    ¼ cup finely chopped garlic
    ¼ cup finely chopped onion
    2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning – wear gloves!!!)
    ¼ cup grated ginger
    2 tbsp grated horseradish
    2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root

    Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar.
    Transfer the mixture to a Mason jar.
    Pour in some apple cider vinegar and fill it to the top. It is best if 2/3 of the jar consist of dry ingredients, and fill in the rest with vinegar.
    Close well and shake.
    Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day.
    After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results put a gauze over it. Squeeze well so the whole juice comes out.
    Use the rest of the dry mixture when cooking.
    Your master tonic is ready for use. You do not need to keep the tonic in your fridge. It will last for long.

    Extra Tip: You can also use it in the kitchen – mix it with some olive oil and use it as a salad dressing or in your stews.


    Caution: The flavor is very strong and hot!
    Extra Tip: Eat a slice of orange, lemon or lime after you take the tonic to ease the burning sensation and heat.
    Gargle and swallow.
    Do not dilute it in water as it will reduce the effect.
    Take 1 tablespoon every day to strengthen the immune system and fight cold.
    Increase the amount every day until you reach a dose of 1 small glass per day (the size of a liquor glass).
    If you struggle against more serious disease or infection, take 1 tablespoon of the tonic 5-6 times a day.
    It is safe for pregnant women and children (use small doses!) because the ingredients are all-natural and contain no toxins.
    Health benefits

    Garlic is a strong antibiotic with a wide range of health benefits. Unlike chemical antibiotics that kill millions of friendly bacteria your body needs, its only goal is bacteria and microorganisms. Garlic also encourages and increases the level of healthy bacteria. It is a powerful antifungal agent and destroys any antigen, pathogen, and harmful disease-causing microorganisms.

    Saturday, July 4, 2015

    These 3 ingredients and cure just about any illness (See what they are)

    #Garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey is a unique combination that has been medically proven to cure various diseases such as cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, asthma, infertility and impotence, ulcers, colds, infectious diseases etc. This combination also strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol.

    Latest researches argue that this combination’s components protect against many forms of cancer. Patients who consumed this medicine early in the morning on an empty stomach have been shown to dramatically reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol in less than two weeks.

    In addition, read this remedy’s recipe.

    Ingredients needed:

    1 cup of apple cider vinegar
    1 cup of honey
    8 cloves of garlic
    Method of preparation:

    Put the apple cider vinegar, garlic and honey in a blender and mix well. Keep the medicine in the fridge but not more than 5 days, after that it will go bad.

    You should take 2 tablespoons of this medicine and mix them in water or some juice. Consume it early in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Saturday, April 11, 2015

    These Three Ingredients Can Cure Fat in the Blood, Clogged Arteries, Cold and Infection

    Today we present you one old remedy that is made in Germany. It is a drink that consists garlic, ginger, lemon and water.

    There are so many benefits of this drink. It is a great combination of three healthy foods that can make a positive health effect on the body.

    This drink is good for prevention and treatment of congestion of the arteries and it also prevents general fatigue, is good for regulating the increased blood fat levels, the treatment and prevention of colds and infections, improvement of the liver enzymes and cleaning the liver, intense enhancement of the immune system. This great remedy prevents free radicals in the body that can cause many serious diseases and many other health conditions connected with diseases of your heart and circulatory system.


    4 lemons with peel
    4 larger whole heads of garlic
    2 liters of clean water
    A smaller ginger root of about 3 – 4 cm
    Peel the garlic, wash the lemons and cut them into pieces. Then put them together with the ginger in a blender and blend them.

    Friday, April 3, 2015

    Grey Hair Can be a Warning Sign for Stroke

    The main cause of grey hair is a lack of the essential nutrients, especially vitamin A and B group vitamins, along with the minerals copper, iron and zinc. Copper in particular is not only necessary for hair pigmentation, it is needed by the body to maintain the health of the artery walls and without it you end up with what’s known as elastic fibre breakdown. When this occurs the arterial walls become weak, eventually causing an aneurism (the ballooning of an artery or blood vessel). This is a life threatening condition as it can burst, resulting in either severe stroke or death.

    A good case in point is Albert Einstein. If you ever saw pictures of him in his later years you would instantly recognise his bright silver grey hair.

    Einstein died of a ruptured aneurism!

    Supplements That are Potent Grey Hair Natural Remedies...

    So your first course of action to treating gray hair is to start taking a good liquid colloidal mineral supplement. These contain all the minerals your body needs in a highly absorbable form. You may also need to take extra colloidal copper until your grey hair recedes.

    Also take black strap molasses as this is rich in essential vitamins and minerals (many people swear by this supplement as a natural remedy for grey hair), along with the very powerful Fo-ti herb, which actually translates to "black-haired Mr. He" (black haired man) in Chinese. This herb has been reported to reverse grey hair very quickly for many people (you can read some positive testimonials here). With Fo-ti, you can either take supplements, or buy it as a tea, or actually buy the root and make your own tea everyday.

    In addition to these, cereal grasses such as wheat and barley grass are an excellent source of vitamin A and the B group vitamins along with copper, iron, silica and zinc and should also be supplemented with everyday. You can click on the links on this website or visit your local health food store to purchase any of these supplements.

    And finally, remember this important point about curing your grey hair... if the bad stuff’s going away on the outside, it’s definitely going away on the inside as well!!

    You May Have to Look a Bit Different for a While

    As your gray hair recedes you will find your natural colour grows from the roots outward. This can make your hair look a bit strange at first but stick with it and eventually your hair will return back to its original colour.

    The most important thing is to not worry about what other people think.

    I remember quite a few years ago working with a guy who was very paranoid about his greying hair. I suggested he start taking a liquid colloidal mineral supplement and cereal grass - which he did. As his hair colour began to return to normal the people he worked with started to make fun of his hair, calling him “Mr Grecian 2000”. The sad part is he actually listened to them and stopped taking the supplements. (All of a sudden he decided he looked better with gray hair). I tried to tell him that by curing his grey hair he was also curing the damage that was going on inside his body, but unfortunately, he didn’t listen. I often wonder how healthy he is today or if he is even still alive.

    Topical Grey Hair Natural Remedies You May Want to Use...

    So now you know how to treat and cure your grey hair permanently. But if you really don’t like the idea of having different pigmented hair until your original colour returns, here are some topical home remedies to help speed up the process and hide those unwanted grey's…

    Onion Juice Mixed With Lemon Juice is a Powerful Grey Hair Natural Remedy: Onion juice is rich in the enzyme catalase and has been used for centuries as a topical treatment and home remedy for grey hair. In fact, herbalists have been advising their patients to rub onions on their scalps to cure grey hair long before any hair dyes were ever invented!

    Back in 2009, Bradford University in the UK discovered that a build up of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles and scalp caused thinning and grey hair. They also discovered that the catalase enzyme neutralizes hydrogen peroxide and reverses grey hair.

    So rubbing onions and onion juice mixed with lemon on your scalp everyday is a very potent natural remedy for grey hair (the only down side is of course the smell). Wheat grass and barley grass are also rich in catalase so mix up a paste and rub this onto your scalp everyday as well.

    Gooseberries as a Gray Hair Cure: You actually drink gooseberry juice every day along with mixing up a combination of dried gooseberries and coconut or almond oil, which you then rub and massage into your scalp every night. The best type of gooseberry if you can find it is the Indian gooseberry known as “amia”.

    Henna - Another Very Good Natural Remedy for Grey Hair: Mix up some castor oil and lemon juice until it goes frothy then add some henna. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp and leave it on for at least an hour before washing and shampooing your hair. Repeat 2 or 3 times a week.