Natural Remedies for ADHD
Causes of ADHD include a diet high in sugar and additives, nutritional deficiencies, and food allergies.
In some cases, a partial cause is related to lack of interest or forcing children to learn in a manner to which they are not geared to learn. Some children learn better by seeing or doing (kinesthetic) rather than by hearing.
The most common treatment of ADD/ADHD today is using medications such as Ritalin and Adderall both of which have been linked to suicidal thoughts and personality changes.
The good news is there are natural remedies for ADHD that are both effective and without side effects.
Top Foods For ADHD
Additive-free, unprocessed foods – Due to the toxic nature of food additives, these may be especially problematic for those with ADHD. It is best to eat unprocessed whole foods prepared at home.Foods high in B-vitamins – B vitamins help maintain a healthy nervous system, make sure to include brewer’s yeast and green leafy vegetables in your diet as these contain higher levels of B vitamins.
Poultry – Tryptophan, an amino acid, helps produce serotonin a calming neurotransmitter to the brain.
Breakfast – For some people and especially those with ADHD breakfast helps the body properly regulate blood sugar and stabilize fluctuations. Make sure breakfast includes at least 20g of protein to regulate blood sugar levels.
Wild Caught Fish - Wild caught fish, such as Salmon are high in Omega-3s and are critical for brain health. It is optimal to eat wild-caught fish at least 2x per week.
ADHD Foods to Avoid
Sugar - This is the primary trigger for most children with ADHD. Avoid any forms of concentrated sugar including candy, desserts, soda, or fruit juices.Gluten - Some parents report worsening behavior when their child eats gluten which may indicate sensitivity to the protein found in wheat. Avoid all foods made with wheat such as bread, pasta, and wheat cereal. Look for gluten free or even grain free alternatives.
Conventional Dairy – Most cows milk dairy contains A1 casein that can trigger a similar reaction as gluten and therefore should be eliminated if it causes problematic symptoms. However goat’s milk does not contain this protein so it may be a better option.
Food coloring and dyes - Children with ADHD can be sensitive to a variety of food dyes and colorings, therefore all processed foods should be avoided.
Soy – Soy is a common food allergy and can disrupt hormones causes ADHD symptoms.
Top 5 Natural Remedies For ADHD
#1 Fish Oil (1,000mg daily)The EPA/DHA in fish oil are critical for brain function and are anti-inflammatory. Supplementation has been shown to reduce symptoms and improve learning.#2 B-Complex (50 mg daily)Children with ADHD may need more B-vitamins to help with the formation of serotonin, especially Vitamin B6.
#3 Multi-Mineral Supplement (including zinc, magnesium, and calcium)
500 mg calcium, 250 mg of magnesium, and 5 mg zinc 2x daily. All play a role in relaxing the nervous system and a deficiency may exacerbate symptoms.
#4 Probiotic (25-50 billion units daily)
ADHD may be connected to digestive issues, therefore taking a good quality probiotic daily will help maintain intestinal health.
#5 GABA (250 mg 2x daily)A calming amino acid, ask your doctor before taking GABA as it can interact with other medications.
Bonus Remedy
Rhodiola rosea as proven effective at improving the focus of both adults and children.
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