I want you to know that this information on honey is kind of long. I shortened it the best I could but it's very important that you know this. Share this blog with people that use or are considering trying honey on a regular bases. I got into the business of Beneficial Health Living for the people. Everybody deserves to be healthy.
Honey is a valuable and irreplaceable ingredient throughout the entire human history. Its health benefits have been used for centuries, and its delicious taste has been appreciated until today. Honey is great for skin care too so Anissa Pennyman you might want to, if you haven't already, add it to your skin treatments. By the way, check out Mrs Pennyman's web page when you get a chance. Click her name above. However, due to the process of preparation, honey usually is sold a bit expensively.
Therefore, numerous people (Especially my people is the south who make less money) often purchase the cheapest they can find in the supermarket, or the ones with the best misleading advertisement, or even the one in the best-looking container. But that this does not mean that you are buying the best product and that the honey is pure.
In order to lower the price, honey is often subjected to numerous alterations. Hence, do not let to be misled by the price and always aim for the best quality
A public research conducted by the Food Safety News provided some crazy information concerning honey. Namely, they have discovered that even 76% of all types of honey available in supermarkets has been subjected to ultra filtration.
This filtration process removes impurities like wax traces, but the pollen as well.
According to manufacturers, this process is needed in order to prolong the shelf life of the product and prevent “crystallizing”. Yet, those who consume honey regularly know that pollen is extremely important and beneficial.
The major reason to avoid this process is in order to be able to determine the geographical origin of the honey, as in cases of pollen contamination, the origin needs to be analyzed and traced.
Here's a few brands and places where you can purchase honey which lacks pollen:
Chinese honey is an example of this, as it is often contaminated with illegal antibiotics and metals, since producers process honey in this way in order to import it, and its origin is unknown.
- Honey types sold at Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy do not contain pollen.
- Certain packages of KFC and McDonald honey do not contain pollen.
- Honey Winnie the Pooh which can be bought at Walmart does not have pollen.
- 77% of the honey sold at Costco, Target and Sam’s Club do not have pollen.
Moreover, there are also honey types which have been combined with glucose, as well as others which are high in poor-quality mead. Adulterated honey is the one that is not in its purest form.
Apparently, adulterated honey is often sold in the supermarkets, so you should learn how to recognize it:
If the honey you have bought does not “crystallize” over time, it may be adulterated, since the pure one will crystallize over time or when kept in the fridge.
Read labels: Always read the label on the honey, and if it contains commercial glucose or high fructose corn syrup, avoid it.
Add some iodine drops in a glass of water and add some honey afterward. Your honey has been adulterated with flour or starch in case it turns blue.
Add a couple drops of vinegar in a glass of water with honey. If this creates foam, your honey has been adulterated with plaster.
Burn the honey with phosphorus or a match, and if it ignites, it is pure honey.
Put a spoon of honey in a glass of water. In case the honey does not dissolve, it is pure. Fake honey or poor-quality honey dissolves in water.
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